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Most people don’t know that even a small fire can spread smoke throughout every room in a home, while also entering wiring crevices, pipelines, and ducts.

Smoke is a hazardous mixture of gases and particles, including but not limited to tar, carbons, soot, and ash. Soot is a black residue that you might discover all throughout your home following a fire. This kind of residue is what remains from items, both synthetic and not, that were burned up in a fire. Soot particles can be so small that your lungs might inhale them deeply. They have hurtful materials in them, such as dust, chemicals, metals, and acids.

Such gases and particles can stay in your home for quite a while if they do not receive the proper treatment. Even the best DIYers can’t ever be sure they’ve totally restored a home from smoke damage. Handling smoke damage improperly is very hazardous and can result in a multitude of health issues.

Health hazards known to relate to smoke damage can include but are not limited to the following:

-Asthma: This is a disease which makes it hard to breathe, since airways are inflamed, limited airflow into the lungs.

-Chronic Bronchitis: This is a disease wherein the bronchial tube linings are inflamed, which means that those tubes have difficulty letting air in and out of your lungs.

Emphysema: This particular disease involves damages to small air sacs located in the lungs. Once enough of these air sacs are damaged, the lungs overall can no longer absorb oxygen, making breathing hard to do.

-Irritation Of The Eyes: General discomfort of the eyes following smoke damage can include itching and watery eyes.

-Skin Issues: Following any contact with soot, the skin can get irritated and damaged. Very dry skin is a frequently suffered side effect.

If you want to prevent experiencing any of these health issues personally as a result of smoke damage, then we strongly suggest you remove yourself from a smoke-damaged residence before bringing in a team of professional experts.

Your Home Needs Damage Restoration Experts

Since smoke damage is so very hard to deal with, it really should only be handled by an expert team of professionals. We’ve got serious experience in restoring many homes after natural disasters hit. Whether you had a major fire or just one small appliance go up, trust us to restore your home and make it free of smoke damage. We’re sure to look into every nook and cranny in your home and restore everything thoroughly.