water damage restoration west palm beach

Your laundry room should be nothing more than the place where your dirty stuff becomes clean again. However, sometimes it turns into a mess, particularly when water finds its way out of the washing machine. In the event of such a major water disaster, the piles of dirty laundry add up to the mess. Water cleanup professionals may have a hard time at drying out the room and addressing the water damage caused by the malfunctioning washing machine or by plumbing problems. In such situations, you can rescue your belongings by reaching out to the professional water cleanup team at Florida Service Pro.

Water cleanup professionals are the most qualified individuals to assess water damage and to address it properly. However, it is extremely important that you contact them as early as possible. When it comes to water damage, time is perhaps the most important factor you have to take into consideration to limit the extent of the damage. Even one or two hours can make a huge difference. Here are a few things you can do After you contact the water damage experts, in order to ensure a fast and effective cleanup process.

1. Inspect Surrounding Areas – The fact that the water damage occurred in your laundry room doesn’t mean that water didn’t find its way to other areas. Inspect the surroundings of the room to see whether there are other areas touched by water. If you find water damage, do your best to remove all items in those areas, in order to prevent them from getting damaged. Also, make sure you remove all clothing items from your laundry room, in order to prevent them from developing mold and mildew.

2. Inspect Electrical Circuits – Try to unplug all electrical appliances from the mains. If possible, remove all of these appliances from the laundry room. However, if you aren’t sure about the safety of doing all these, consider waiting for the water removal professionals to do it for you.

3. Inspect Other Rooms – If your laundry room isn’t on the ground floor of your house, check the rooms underneath to see if you detect any water leaks. Check the ceiling for any cracks or sags. If water has already started to leak, place a bucket underneath to limit the extent of the damage.

4. Stay Safe – Safety should be your first and foremost priority. If you feel you can’t handle all the above in absolute safety, do nothing. Wait for the water cleanup experts to come and help you. Don’t allow children or other family members in the affected area. Just do your best to keep everyone in the house as safe as possible.

These steps can help you minimize water damage and keep your family safe in the event of a malfunctioning washing machine. In order to prevent such situations, make sure you have your washing machine inspected on regular basis and properly maintained. Should you need to address a water damage situation, consider contacting the professional water cleanup crew at Florida Service Pro. Their expert crew will come to your place as quickly as possible, in order to perform the cleanup and to restore the safety of your home.